
First Taste (3-4 year olds)

  • First Taste @ Gilbert Hebrew REGISTRATION

  • Parents Information

  • Religious & Educational History (This section only for new students)

  • Medical Information

  • Accident, Trip & Privacy Declaration:

    Accident: As the parent or legal guardian of the above listed child, I authorize any adult acting on behalf of Gilbert Hebrew School to hospitalize or secure treatment for my child, I further agree to pay all charges for that care and/or treatment. It is understood that if time and circumstances reasonably permit, Gilbert Hebrew School personnel will try, but are not required, to communicate with me prior to such treatment.

    Trips & Outings: I hereby give permission for my child to attend and participate in all trips and outings organized as part of the program by Gilbert Hebrew School.

    Privacy: I hereby give permission for my child’s photographs/videos to be used in newsletters, local newspapers, Gilbert Hebrew website or for promotion of our program.  I give permission for our family contact information to be shared with other families.

  • Payment

  • 2024-2025 Hebrew School Tuition - $495:  Tuition fees include all books, art materials and trips. Synagogue membership is not required.  Affiliated and non-affiliated are welcome.

    Security Guard Fee - $140

    A $100 non-refundable deposit per child is due with registration.  The deposit will be applied to tuition.

    $25 Early Bird Discount for registration received by July 1, 2024.  10% discount for additional children in same family.

  • $0.00
  • Credit Card
    Billing Address
  • Should be Empty:
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